The rope course “Mission is possible!”
Specificity of the training:
This team-building training is a combination of "rope course" technology and reflection.
It is based on the concept of responsibility, trust and commitment, which allows maximum use of the thought processes and emotions of participants and leads to a feeling of mutual satisfaction from collaborative problem solving, as well as promotes development of mutual trust.
Selection of exercises and their terms and conditions create the emotional background that provides real involvement in the training process, as well as a deeper learning of the material and a desire to apply received knowledge in a real work situation.
Training program gives opportunities to:
- Receive knowledge about laws of teambuilding process and algorithm of successful team work;
- Form more strong interpersonal relationship within a team (acquaintance process, relationship refreshing and developing processes);
- Get positive experience of working in a team, jointly taken decisions, solving tasks and overcoming obstacles; experience of mutual support, success, achieving team goals;
- Developing personal responsibility for the common result; forming team spirit, identity and team loyalty;
- Prevention of conflicts within team members;
- Developing emotional intelligence of team members;
- Forming relationships based on trust and responsibility inside the team;
Skills that might be acquired and developed during training:
Set of skills necessary for effective interaction in the team:
- Communication (active listening, feedback, search for unconventional ways of communication, etc.);
- Teamwork;
- Adoption of the general solution;
- Time management of team;
- Developing the ability for rapid decision-making;
- Action planning of achieving the intended results.
Being based on the stages of the rope course (by Karl Rohnke), the program unites elements of active entertainment with the effect of extreme adventure, and promotes team spirit.
All activities are divided into four blocks:
In each stage of the program there is an element of the challenge.
After each exercise – the analysis of the effectiveness and efficiency of interaction between participants of the team is done by a professional business-coach.
All results and team-work is discussed. It allows to use and to implement the results of the discussion in practical everyday work.
In the program participants are divided into teams from 8 to 10 people, each team is followed by own instructor.
Whole program is guided by leading trainer-coordinator (business coach) that provides passion and fun, along with serious attitude to the tasks of training and safety of the participants.
For more details about training please contact us.